Using CART


The basic steps to set up an agent are explained in Installation and Setup Guide. After the basic setup is done, the agent should be up and running - i.e., providing responses - even if irrelevant - to inputs provided by the participant through the web chat (or other channels).

With the agent running, the researcher can then customize the agent for an experiment, as outlined in the following sections.

Setting up the basic dialogue

CART uses DialogFlow for the basic dialogue setup and dialogue management. After the basic setup is done, the researcher should use DialogFlow to setup how an agent should interact with a participant.

The best practice is to start with dialogue design from the moment of a greeting. All new agents created in DialogFlow come with a Default Welcome Intent, which determines what the agent should do when a participant greets the agent. As a first step, it is recommended that the researcher reviews this intent, and customize the answers of the agents depending on how the researcher would like the dialogue to flow.

After this initial configuration, the researcher can configure additional intents (e.g., if a participant says they want to know the weather forecast, or how much something costs), and how the agent should react when an intent is recognized. For more information, it is suggested to review the Building an agent tutorial in DialogFlow.

By using DialogFlow through CART, the researcher not only has all conversations logged in a database, but also has an extra layer of control over the basic DialogFlow functionality, as outlined in the options below.

Creating experimental conditions

CART can assign participants automatically to experimental conditions, as outlined in this section, or rely on an integration with an online questionnaire to do so (see Integrating with online questionnaires).

To assign participants to experimental conditions using CART, the researcher should edit the section experimental_design of the config.yaml file in the following manner:

  1. Set assignment_manager to CART
  2. Select the assignment_method. Three options can be used:
    1. random_balanced, which tries to keep the number of participants per condition always equal, and randomly assigns a new participant to a condition when the number of participants per condition is the same. When the number of participants per condition is different, a new participant is assigned to the condition with the lowest number of participants.
    2. fully_random, which randomly assigns the participant to a condition. As it is fully random, the conditions may be unbalanced if the sample size is low.
    3. sequential, which assigns the first participant to the first condition, and the next participant to the next available condition, sequentially. Especially for experiments with low sample sizes, this may be a simpler way to ensure balance between conditions.
  3. In the conditions section, include as many conditions as needed, always using the structure shown in the config_template.yaml, i.e., adding a new condition by having one indentation with condition_NUMBER, and another indentation with condition_name, and then including the actual condition name (without spaces). The condition_name will be stored in the database (table: conversations), along with participant details.

After the conditions are created, the researcher can customise the responses that the dialogue manager provides to the participant depending on the condition that the participant is in. For more details, see Customising responses.

Customising responses

CART allows the researcher to customise responses that the dialogue manager gives to the participant. This can be done in regardless of the experimental condition of the participant, or by experimental condition. This is managed in the rephrases section of the config.yaml file.

Same rephrase for all conditions

To customise (rephrase) the response from the dialogue manager in the same way regardless of the experimental condition, the researcher should add the following information to the all_conditions section:

  • TOKEN - all in uppercase and without spaces. The token is the part of the response from the dialogue manager (between square brackets) that needs to be substituted.
  • New text - what should be included instead of the token in the response

For example: if in the config.yaml file, the following line is added:

        EXAMPLETOKEN1: changed text

And in the dialogue manager, the response configured is This is the [EXAMPLETOKEN1].

The agent will respond to the participant: This is the changed text.

It is important to note that in the dialogue manager, the token has square brackets, but in the config.yaml file, it doesn’t.

Different rephrase depending on the experimental condition

To customise (rephrase) the response from the dialogue manager differently per experimental condition, the researcher should create a section per condition (if it doesn’t exist), and then add the same token in each condition.

For example: if in the config.yaml file, the following line is added:

        EXAMPLE1: changed text condition_1
        EXAMPLE1: changed text condition_2

And in the dialogue manager, the response configured is This is the [EXAMPLE1].

If the participant is in condition_1, the response to the participant will be: This is the changed text condition_1., and This is the changed text condition_2. if the participant is in condition_2.

It is important to note that in the dialogue manager, the token has square brackets, but in the config.yaml file, it doesn’t. The conditions need to be configured in the experimental_design section, as outlined in Creating experimental conditions.

Providing the conversation code in the message

CART assigns automatically a conversation code to each new conversation (participant). The conversation code is a shorter, more readable id that the researcher can have the agent provide the participant in specific contexts, such as when ending the conversation.

To configure the conversation code, the conversationcode_suffix and the conversationcode_base of the config.yaml file need to be filled out. The suffix is a set of letters that will be at the beginning of the conversation code, and the base is the starting number of the conversation code (to prevent the first participant from getting a conversation code = 0). CART automatically increments the conversation code number starting from the base. For example, if conversationcode_suffix is equal to A and the conversationcode_base is equal to 500, the first participant will receive the conversation_code A500 and the second participant, A501.

After this is setup, any time that a message - coming from the dialogue manager or the overrides - contains the string |CONVERSATIONCODE|, this string will be replaced by the specific conversation code of the participant.

Overriding the dialogue manager

There may be instances in which the researcher does not want to send the message from the participant to the dialogue manager, and instead may want to directly provide a response to the participant. To do so, the researcher should add a new override to the overrides section of the config.yaml file, with the following information:

  • override_reason - a keyword with the reason why the override is being done. This will be stored in the database (table: logs) as an event.
  • override_terms_in_user_message - a list of words or strings to be searched for in the user_message (separated by commas, without punctuation or special characters)
  • override_terms_case_sensitive - indicate whether the term that will be searched for in the user_message are case-sensitive (True) or not (False)
  • override_terms_matching - indicate how the terms for the override should be searched for in the user_message. Three options are available:
    • If override_terms_matching is set to full_string, it checks the user_message is equal to any of the terms in override_terms_in_user_message. For example, if the user_message is “apple” and this is one of the terms, then it will meet the condition. If the user_message is “I like apple”, it won’t match.
    • If override_terms_matching is set to string, it checks if each of the terms in override_terms_in_user_message is present in the user_message using string matching. For example, the term “apple” would be found in the messages “I like apple” and “I like pineapples”.
    • If override_terms_matching is set to tokens, it first splits the user_message in tokens (removing any punctuation marks or special characters), and then checks if any of the tokens of the user_message is present in the terms from override_terms_in_user_message. For example, the term “apple” would be found in the messages “I like apple” but not in “I like pineapples”.
  • override_response_from_agent: the response that the agent should give to the participant.

As an example, the researcher may want to configure the agent to simply say good bye and provide the conversation code to the participant, instead of going to the dialogue manager. To do so, two pieces of code need to be added to the config.yaml file.

In the overrides section:

    override_reason: quit
    override_terms_case_sensitive: False
    override_terms_matching: full_string
    override_terms_in_user_message: bye, good bye, end, quit, stop
    override_response_from_agent: '[PROVIDECONVERSATIONCODE]'

In the rephrases section:

    PROVIDECONVERSATIONCODE: Good bye! Your conversation code is |CONVERSATIONCODE|.

Note: When configuring items to be rephrased in responses by the override, square brackets should be used in the text, encapsulated by single quotes (as done above: ‘[PROVIDECONVERSATIONCODE]’).

Connecting intents from the dialogue manager

While the dialogue manager (DialogFlow) allows to route conversations from one intent to the other via its own interface, there may be instances in which the researcher will want to do it directly in CART, especially when CART’s custom logic is also in place. For example, if validating a participant id is needed, the welcome intent should simply ask the participant for a participant id. CART will check if the participant id provided is valid - and will override this if necessary - and will allow the conversation to continue. If the researcher wants the agent to immediately ask a question to the participant (instead of waiting for the participant to ask a question to the agent), it is easier to make sure that the welcome intent redirects the participant to a new intent.

Two ways can be used:

  • Adding a follow-up intent in DialogFlow directly
  • Using CART to connect the Welcome Intent to the new intent

To use the second option, the researcher needs to make some configurations in DialogFlow, and others in CART. In DialogFlow, the Text response of the Welcome intent should be a token, that will be picked up by CART. For example, it could simply be [PARTICIPANTID_VALID] (as what the Welcome intent is doing is validating the participant id). A second intent, which could be the experimental setting, would be configured in DialogFlow to start with the input [START_EXPERIMENT].

In the config.yaml file, the researcher would need to add a connect_intents section, with the following code::


CART will then know that when a response from DialogFlow comes with the token [PARTICIPANTID_VALID] it should not provide a direct response to the participant, and rather call DialogFlow again with the token [START_EXPERIMENT] as if it were the user message. DialogFlow will then start with the associated intent, and return the appropriate question that should be sent to the participant in order to continue with the flow.

Integrating custom functions

CART allows the researcher to integrate custom functions, including (pre-trained) classifiers to the conversation flow. To do so, the researcher needs to edit the file inside the helpers folder, and add a new function. This function always takes the user_message as an input (i.e., what the participant chatted with the agent), and can return an output (or not) upon which CART will determine whether an override action should be taken. The config.yaml file also needs to be edited with a new function section, containing:

  • function_name: the name of the function included in the file
  • store_output: at present, it always needs to be in the logs table.
  • store_output_field: the name of the field in which the output of the function will be stored in the logs table within the database.
  • store_output_field_type: the type of field (following MySQL standards) in which the output will be stored. The most common values should be float, int or text
  • function_action: if True, CART will evaluate the output of the function and may create an override depending on the result. If False, CART will only store the output of the function in the database, but will not change the conversation.
  • function_comparison: the Python code (written between quotes) that should be executed - considering that the output of the function will be at the beginning of the code. The code should always provide a True or False as result. For example, if the idea is to see if the output of the function is positive, the code written should be ' > 0 '.
  • function_comparison_met: exact text that should be picked up by the override function (so that the change in the conversation can take place)

Note: if any additional Python modules are required, they should be added to the requirements.txt file in the root folder so they can be installed in the server when starting up CART.

The following code integrates an out of the box sentiment analysis classifier (Vader) in the workflow of CART. It stores the output of the sentiment analysis in the logs, and turns on an override when the sentiment of a text by the participant is lower than -0.85.

Added to requirements.txt:


Added to config.yaml in the section special functions:

        function_name: check_sentiment
        store_output: logs
        store_output_field: sentiment
        store_output_field_type: float
        function_action: True
        function_comparison: ' < -0.85'
        function_comparison_met: sentiment_analysis_too_low

Added to config.yaml in the section overrides:

        override_reason: sentiment_analysis_too_low
        override_terms_case_sensitive: True
        override_terms_matching: full_string
        override_terms_in_user_message: sentiment_analysis_too_low
        override_response_from_agent: '[SENTIMENTANALYSISTOOLOW]'

Added to config.yaml in the section rephrases:

        SENTIMENTANALYSISTOOLOW: I'm really sorry you feel this way. Maybe we should stop our conversation?

Added to

from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
def check_sentiment(user_message):
        sentiment = analyzer.polarity_scores(user_message)
        sentiment = sentiment['compound']
        return sentiment
        return None

Integrating with online questionnaires

CART can also be integrated with an online questionnaire flow, so that participants to an experiment can interact with the agent before, during, or after completing an online questionnaire. The integration ensures that a unique identifier is passed along between CART and the online questionnaire, allowing the researcher to link the questionnaire responses (self-reports) to the conversation logs between the participant and the agent.

The conversation with the agent can take place in three different moments of the questionnaire flow:

Before: Agent –> Questionnaire

In this scenario, the participant first has a conversation with the agent and, at the end of the conversation, the agent provides a link asking the respondent to complete the questionnaire. The link contains the conversation code (as a parameter), so that the survey tool managing the questionnaire can capture the parameter as metadata.

To do so, the questionnaire_flow from the config.yaml file needs to be edited with the following information:

  • enabled: needs to be set to True
  • moment: needs to be set to before
  • rephrase_token: needs to contain the token (without square brackets) that the dialogue management will use to indicate that the agent needs to stop the conversation and send the link to the survey.
  • rephrase_text: the text that the agent should say when inviting the participant to answer the questionnaire. The link to the questionnaire should also be added. The rephrase text uses markdown format, so the link is added as [LINKTEXT](URL)

The following example shows an integration with Qualtrics, with the conversation code being passed as a parameter in the URL (with the embedded metadata field called convcode:

    enabled: True
    moment: before
        rephrase_token: SENDTOSURVEY
        rephrase_text: Thank you for the conversation! Please **[complete the survey](|CONVERSATIONCODE|)**

(Note: the rephrase_text shown above is Thank you for the conversation! Please [complete the survey](|CONVERSATIONCODE|))

The dialogue management (e.g., DialogFlow) would need to send [SENDTOSURVEY] as a response to trigger this behavior. The dialogue manager must only send this token in the response, as this option does not work with partial matching of the string (to be safe).

During: Questionnaire –> Agent –> Questionnaire

In this scenario, the participant starts with the questionnaire, has a conversation with the agent and, at the end of the conversation, the participant goes on to complete the questionnaire. The conversation with the agent can take place in a different channel (e.g., Skype, Telegram, or a webchat page published elsewhere), or be embedded in the questionnaire itself.

This integration is slightly more complex, as it is important to both ensure that CART stores a unique identifier of the participant at the beginning of the conversation, and that, when continuing on to the second part of the survey, the participant provides some proof that the conversation took place. To do so, the proposed flow works in the following way:

  1. When starting the conversation with the agent, the agent asks the participant for a participant id.
  2. The agent validates the participant id (according to rules specified by the researcher) and, if applicable, also assigns a condition to the participant based on the id.
  3. When ending the conversation, the agent provides a conversation code, that the participant should copy and paste in the survey (to prove that the conversation took place).

The participant id in CART should always be a set of letters followed by a number. For example ABC11190320930293. The letters (ABC) will be used to assign the condition (if applicable) whereas the numbers can come from a random number generator in the online questionnaire, assigning a unique number to the respondent.

To do so, the questionnaire_flow from the config.yaml file needs to be edited with the following information:

  • enabled: needs to be set to True
  • moment: needs to be set to during
  • rephrase_start_token: the token (e.g., [VALIDATEPARTICIPANTID]) that the dialogue manager provides as a response when the moment comes to validate the participant id.
  • participantid_dialog_field: the name of the field, set in the dialogue manager, that stores the participant id (when provided by the respondent)
  • participantid_valid_suffixes: the combinations of letters that should be accepted by the agent as part of the participant id.
  • participantid_not_recognized: the token that should be provided to CART when a participant id is not recognised (or set as invalid)
  • rephrase_end_token: the token (e.g., [SENDTOSURVEY]) that the dialogue management will use to indicate that the agent needs to stop the conversation and ask the participant to continue with the survey.
  • rephrase_end_text: the text that the agent should say when asking the participant to continue with the survey. It is good practice to provide the conversation code in this text (with the |CONVERSATIONCODE| token)

The following example shows an integration with Qualtrics, with the conversation code being passed as a parameter in the URL (with the embedded metadata field called convcode:

In config.yaml at the questionnaire flow section:

    enabled: True
    moment: during
        rephrase_start_token: VALIDATEPARTICIPANTID
        participantid_dialog_field: participantid
        participantid_not_recognized: PARTICIPANTID_INVALID
        participantid_valid_suffixes: CO, TR
        rephrase_end_token: SENDTOSURVEY
        rephrase_end_text: Thank you for the conversation! You can now go to the next page of the survey. Your conversation code is **|CONVERSATIONCODE|**.

In DialogFlow:

  • Intent 1: Default Welcome Intent (so the every new conversation asks for a participant id):

    * In action and parameters:
        * Required: yes
        * Parameter Name: participantid
        * Entity: @sys.any
        * Value: $participantid
        * Prompts: What's your participant id?
  • Intent 2: Invalid participant id (used when the participant id is invalid):

    * Machine Learning set to off
    * Training Phrases: [PARTICIPANTID_INVALID]
    * In action and parameters:
        * Required: yes
        * Parameter Name: participantid
        * Entity: @sys.any
        * Value: $participantid
        * Prompts: I'm sorry. The participant id you provided does not seem to be valid. Could you please check in the online survey and let me know what your participant id is?

After: Questionnaire –> Agent

In this scenario, the participant starts with the questionnaire and then is directed to a conversation with the agent. The conversation with the agent can take place in a different channel (e.g., Skype, Telegram, or a webchat page published elsewhere), or be embedded in the questionnaire itself.

It is important to ensure that CART stores a unique identifier of the participant at the beginning of the conversation. To do so, the proposed flow works in the following way:

  1. When starting the conversation with the agent, the agent asks the participant for a participant id.
  2. The agent validates the participant id (according to rules specified by the researcher) and, if applicable, also assigns a condition to the participant based on the id.

The participant id in CART should always be a set of letters followed by a number. For example ABC11190320930293. The letters (ABC) will be used to assign the condition (if applicable) whereas the numbers can come from a random number generator in the online questionnaire, assigning a unique number to the respondent.

To do so, the questionnaire_flow from the config.yaml file needs to be edited with the following information:

  • enabled: needs to be set to True
  • moment: needs to be set to after
  • rephrase_start_token: the token (e.g., [VALIDATEPARTICIPANTID]) that the dialogue manager provides as a response when the moment comes to validate the participant id.
  • participantid_dialog_field: the name of the field, set in the dialogue manager, that stores the participant id (when provided by the respondent)
  • participantid_valid_suffixes: the combinations of letters that should be accepted by the agent as part of the participant id.
  • participantid_not_recognized: the token that should be provided to CART when a participant id is not recognised (or set as invalid)

The following example shows an integration with Qualtrics, with the conversation code being passed as a parameter in the URL (with the embedded metadata field called convcode:

In config.yaml at the questionnaire flow section:

    enabled: True
    moment: after
        rephrase_start_token: VALIDATEPARTICIPANTID
        participantid_dialog_field: participantid
        participantid_not_recognized: PARTICIPANTID_INVALID
        participantid_valid_suffixes: CO, TR

In DialogFlow:

  • Intent 1: Default Welcome Intent (so the every new conversation asks for a participant id):

    * In action and parameters:
        * Required: yes
        * Parameter Name: participantid
        * Entity: @sys.any
        * Value: $participantid
        * Prompts: What's your participant id?
  • Intent 2: Invalid participant id (used when the participant id is invalid):

    * Machine Learning set to off
    * Training Phrases: [PARTICIPANTID_INVALID]
    * In action and parameters:
        * Required: yes
        * Parameter Name: participantid
        * Entity: @sys.any
        * Value: $participantid
        * Prompts: I'm sorry. The participant id you provided does not seem to be valid. Could you please check in the online survey and let me know what your participant id is?