
This tutorial shows how to create an agent for an experiment as discussed in [REFERENCE TO CCR PAPER].

Agent specifications:

  • The agent is embedded in a survey flow, and is presented during the survey
  • The agent validates a participant id (to start the conversation) and provides a conversation code (at the end of the conversation)
  • The agent automatically assigns users to conditions - humanlike or machine - and interacts different with each participant depending on the condition
  • A sentiment analysis tool (Vader) is applied to each utterance by the participant, and the results are stored in the logs table in the database


The basic steps to set up an agent are explained in Installation and Setup Guide. After the basic setup is done, the agent should be up and running - i.e., providing responses - even if irrelevant - to inputs provided by the participant through the web chat (or other channels).

With the agent running, the researcher can then customize the agent for an experiment, as outlined in the following sections.

Configurations in the dialogue management tool

Four intents are created in DialogFlow:

  • Welcome: starts when the participant greets the agent, asks for the participant id, and - if the participant id is valid - ends with a token ([PARTICIPANTID_VALID]) for CART to know that the next intent (Experiment) needs to be connected
  • Experiment: starts when CART has received a token indicating that the participant id is valid ([PARTICIPANTID_VALID]) and has sent a start token ([START_EXPERIMENT]) to DialogFlow. It ends when all the questions in the experimental setup are asked to the participant, providing a conversation code and telling the participant to continue with the survey.
  • Invalid participant id: intent that is triggered by CART when the participant id provided by the participant in the Welcome intent is not valid.
  • Validate participant id: fallback intent, which provides instructions for the participant should she want to try to start over (and provide a new participant id).

A copy of the agent, including the full dialogue, is available in the folder [ANONYMIZED LINK TO THE TUTORIAL FOLDER ON GITHUB]

Configurations in CART

The full config.yaml file (without the authentication credentials for the API services, which need to be filled out by each researcher) is also available at [ANONYMIZED LINK TO THE TUTORIAL FOLDER ON GITHUB]. The key configurations look as follows:

In the other section, the conversationcode_suffix and the conversationcode_base are added to ensure that participants receive a conversation code at the end of the conversation, and that it always starts with a B, and counting from number 1500 (to prevent low numbers)::

    conversationcode_suffix: B
    conversationcode_base: 1500

The experimental_design section indicates that CART will assign participants to conditions using the random_balanced option, and that there will be two conditions, one fr machine, and another for the humanlike agent.:

    assignment_manager: CART
    assignment_method: random_balanced
            condition_name: machine
            condition_name: humanlike

The rephrases section has the specific text that varies per condition. The tokens (e.g., AGENTNAME) are included as placeholders in the DialogFlow configurations, so that CART can substitute them depending on the condition the participant is in.

        AGENTNAME: NutriBot
        ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1: OK. The system needs some information about you before it can make a recommendation.
        RECOMMENDATION: OK. Based on the your answers, the recommended breakfast is
        CLOSURESTART: Thank you.
        CLOSUREEND: Conversation ended.
        AGENTNAME: Ben
        ACKNOWLEDGEMENT1: Great! Let's get started then. I need to know a bit more about you before I can make a suggestion.
        ACKNOWLEDGEMENT2: Gotcha!
        ACKNOWLEDGEMENT3: Cool! And, just between the two of us
        RECOMMENDATION: Thanks! Hey... so here's an idea for your breakfast...
        CLOSURESTART: OK! Thanks a million for chatting with me!
        CLOSUREEND: Have a great day!

The connect_intents section is used to make the connection between the Welcome and Experiment intents in DialogFlow when the participant id is considered valid by CART.


The questionnaire_flow section is configured to ensure that it is enabled and specify that the conversation with the agent takes place during the survey. As the Welcome intent asks for the participant id, this section further specifies that the parameter participantid in DialogFlow’s responses should be looked for and parsed to detect participant id’s. Only id’s starting with an A (and ending with a number) are accepted. Two tokens are defined to handle cases when the participant id is valid or invalid.

    enabled: True
    moment: during
        participantid_dialog_field: participantid
        participantid_not_recognized: PARTICIPANTID_INVALID
        participantid_recognized: PARTICIPANTID_VALID
        participantid_valid_suffixes: A

Finally, as sentiment analysis will be applied, the special_functions section is added with the name of the function, where to store the results in the database (and the type of field). As no override is configured, the funcion_action is set to False.

        function_name: check_sentiment
        store_output: logs
        store_output_field: sentiment
        store_output_field_type: float
        function_action: False

For the sentiment analysis to run, two additional files need to be edited. First, the requirements.txt is edited to include vaderSentiment as a required Python module to be installed. Second, the special_functions.py file (inside the helpers folder) is edited to include the function that processes the user_message:

from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
def check_sentiment(user_message):
        sentiment = analyzer.polarity_scores(user_message)
        sentiment = sentiment['compound']
        return sentiment
        return None